Sunday, April 15, 2012

Published in Presence Journal

In December 2011 one of my 5X5 mixed media pieces was featured in an article in Presence Journal. Here is a link to the journals website:
Someone had seen my sea turtle piece on my flickr Photostream and asked to use it. A reader from Florida called me and ended up ordering 2 pieces just like it.
Here is a photo of that piece:

Encaustic Workshop

I just completed a 5 day encaustic workshop with Daniella Woolf here in Park City. It was in the beautiful Spiro Arts building. What a great workshop facility.  I learned a lot of new techniques and had access to all the R&F paint and pigment sticks I wanted. It was sponsored by R&F Paint in Kingston, NY. Here is their website:
Daniella is a great teacher and has a fabulous new book out that I just ordered. Here is the link to it on Amazon :
It is based on her 5 day workshops, so you can get lots of information in this book.
Here are 2 paintings I did in the workshop. The first painting is 8X8 and the second is 12X12. The second painting has 12 layers of paint.

And here are 2 new paintings I did after the workshop. Both are 8X8.

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